Management and automation of residential complexes :
RFID-based vehicle traffic control system considered and used in the world to create a mechanization for policy, management and recording of traffic is increasingly.
Traffic control system was designed as a standalone solution and as part of a comprehensive access control system and implemented. Our experts are ready to work with the best quality and in the shortest possible time so many centers are equipped to suit the customer's requirements to the system.
Components and the system functions:
- Hardware: including the Barrier, the reader, RFID, tag or card, RFID, reader data base, Access Manager, PC and…
- Software: includes tools to define vehicle registration card and management of traffic and reporting, etc.
Operating Mode:
After installation of the system and the definition of cards or tags for each vehicle in the app, cards or tagst delivered to car owners for usage.However the arrival of each vehicle, first the card reader or RFID read the data of tag and will be sent the data to traffic control and access manager. The Device Access Manager confirms the basic definitions allow the vehicle and the barrier opens. Vehicle information, date and time of its traffic are recorded in software system and stored for later use. At sensitive sites such as oil and gas refineries and so can be used to CCTV cameras to increase protection principles on vehicle traffic with the above system. In this case, you can be photographed and recorded on the application during the identification and vehicle traffic.
Car traffic control and management system implemented in two ways :
A) short-range
B) long-range
Enjoying the benefits of vehicle traffic control and management systems in residential complexes :
- Prevent unauthorized vehicle traffic
- Regisered the information of vehicle traffic completely mechanized
- Registered guests in the traffic vehicles
- Take pictures of the car in traffic when crossing barrier
- Avoid errors manually record traffic information in a public parking
- Ability to comprehensive reporting and access to information and various traffic statistics
- Avoid Mistakes guards and possible theft of vehicles in large complexes